Is This the End of Earphones?

Technology has come a long way. No one can argue that. But we still attach the notion of technology to a device of some sort. Could this be changing? Tech startup company, Noveto is pioneering [...]


Google+ Is Shutting Down Its Service

The search engine behemoth Google is dismantling its long-run social network Google+. The multinational company behind it is citing a data breach as the reason for the cease of service for [...]


National Icon or Perfect Billboard?

Innovative ways to advertise pop up everyday. We are bombarded at every angle, most of the time without knowing. We have come to accept this as the society that we live in. But, can this go too [...]


Why Vertical Videos Are The Future

Vertical videos were once the scourge of the internet. The unsightly black bars either side of an online video were the call signs of an amateur. Youtube, Vimeo and other video-sharing platforms [...]